-Ryker learned to crawl at 7 and a half months (it was about time! He's been trying so hard for like 2 months now!)
-He loves pulling himself up in his crib and bouncing and walking around in his bed
-He is very very talkative and now says "Ma-ma!" (first said it on 11/11/11)
-He likes to mimic people as you will see in the video below.
-He can have yogurt now, and I'm pretty sure that's his favorite thing. He also loves his Mum-mums, which is like a cracker for a baby (dissolves in his mouth)
-He is cruising (furniture walking)!
-He loves being on his legs; he definitely wants to walk!
-He wants to see everything that is going on around him and will grab at everything. He especially loves grabbing things off the shelf at the grocery store.
-He just wants to do what everyone else is doing
-He started this new thing where he looks at people all innocently, and it looks like he is wondering if he is supposed to be doing what he is doing.
-He really loves his mommy and daddy and is really starting to be clingy. When we try to give him to someone he'll lean towards us like he doesn't want to go, but when we give him to someone he doesn't really cry either. He also started this thing where he lays his head on our shoulders when we pick him up or take him out of his crib when he is crying.
-He's so cuddly.
-He likes when we sing at church. I'm pretty sure he tries to sing because it's only when we sing hymns that it starts to sound like he is shouting. He did it during the closing hymn last week, and then when we were in relief society he did it again. I think he likes to sing.
-He really enjoys the song "Called to Serve"
-He likes to dance to music.
We love him very much. He is just growing up way too fast! Love you Ryker Thomas! :)
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