Thursday, March 29, 2012

We Have a Toddler! (Long overdue post!)

Doesn't Ryker look so spiffy in the below pic? :) (This was a week after his birthday)
This post is long overdue, but late is better than never right?! Ryker turned one year old on March 18th! We cannot believe that we have a young toddler already! He is so funny and smart and we love him to death! We can't imagine our family without him! At 12 months, Ryker weighed almost 26 pounds (75th %ile) and was 30.5 inches tall (75th %ile). I guess we have a big boy! He started walking at about 9 and a half months, and since then has been a ball full of energy! So, here are some things about Ryker at a year old!
He loves books! He loves turning the pages and pointing at pictures.
He loves to babble, especially when there are other young children to talk to.
He loves kids! He loves going up to other babies or kids and hugging them and giving them a kiss.
He is obsessed in girls with dresses :)
He's a Momma's boy!
He does the sign for "more" and we are working on the sign for "all done."
He's pretty stubborn.
He still loves doors and cupboards and opening and closing things. If we aren't careful we might wash something or throw something away that isn't supposed to be because he sticks things into laundry baskets and trash cans. :)
He loves to give kisses!
He likes to play the drums on anything he can.
He loves to be chased and will run and scream and laugh. It's so cute! :)
He smiles or giggles and looks at Mommy and/or Daddy when he knows he is doing something he shouldn't be other words, he's testing us.
He loves legos, blocks, pushing buttons, shoes, socks, and feet. He thinks that feet are so funny especially when you move them or you wiggle your toes.
He loves brushing his teeth (and knows what it means when I say, "brush teeth?"
He understands what "go bye bye" means. He walks over to the door when we say it.
He understands "milk" of course
Still loves cheerios, goldfish, and yogurt
He understands "upstairs" and "downstairs"
When I say "where's daddy?" he walks over and hugs Daddy's leg.
He loves going outside
He loves to play peek a boo
Every now and again it sounds like he is humming a tune
When he throws a ball he makes this surprised look on his face and gasps!
He knows how to say help (egh). The only reason I think he means help is because I used to always say "help" when he wanted help and now he says that when he wants help.
He knows what "open" and "close" mean.
He is no longer a fan of diaper changes. He cries when I lay him down for a diaper change. GOOBER! Love our little man!
We had a little shindig for his birthday on the 17th of March. We had a lot of family and friends come and celebrate Ryker's first year of life! It was a lot of fun and we celebrated by visiting, eating pizza and cake of course!This is one of our decorations--pictures of Ryker for every month of his first year.
My very professional looking (NOT!) cake. :)
He ate cake for the first time. He was more interested in playing in it like it was dirt. Although he did eat a little bit of the chocolate cake. :)
Here is Ryker (half cut off) with some of his second cousins!