Sunday, April 7, 2013

Our First Baby is Two!

I cannot believe that Ryker is two already!  He turned two on March 18th.  It has been such a joy seeing him grow and develop his own personality.  I enjoy watching him learn new things and am amazed how quickly he picks things up!  He is a little sponge!  He had a great birthday.  We actually celebrated like 3 times because Joe's parents had a combined party for him and his Uncle Steve, then I took him out to play on his actual birthday, and lastly, we celebrated with Daddy by going to Bonkers and opening presents with Aunts and Uncles!  I think he was a little bit spoiled this birthday, but I could not help myself! :)  Here are some pics from the festivities!

 I just thought this was cute!  Ryker thought that all his Sesame Street characters each needed a ball!
 He wasn't too thrilled about blowing out that candle! He wanted that cupcake!!!
 Playing with his bowling set from Mimi!
 Playing at Mall Tots on his birthday!
 Slam Dunk! Our little basketball player!
 Going down the giant slides at Bonkers!  He loved those slides!  He was very brave! Even I was nervous to go down those things!

 "I'm two!"

 He didn't see this movie.  He just wanted to sit in the chair!
riding on the dog!

So Ryker has really learned a lot in the last few months!  He absolutely loves the alphabet and loves anything to do with letters!  He also loves colors and knows all his colors (except brown).  He also knows most of the shapes.  His language is coming right along.  He is finally starting to say 2-3 word phrases, and it is helpful when we know what he is saying.  When we don't know what he is saying, it is easy for us all to get a little frustrated.  He still speaks his own language every now and again.  But the doctor said don't be surprised if his vocabulary just explodes even more very soon!  His favorite shows are Sesame Street, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, and Super Why!  He loves loves loves books.  Every morning when he wakes up, he wants to look at books and before bed he wants to look at books.  He'll look at them all day sometimes!  He loves to play outside and throw snowballs.  He also loves slides (or "wee" as he calls them)!  He loves to give Kaylee kisses (my favorite thing) and when she cries, he says "what baby?"  His concern is so cute!   He loves to run and loves balls.  He loves football, and his new favorite is basketball!  When he thinks something is gross, he says "goss!"  He is a french fry ( fweh-fwhy) and ice cream (eye-eem) boy!  If he sees it, he wants it!  He loves nursery and he calls it "teacher" because he loves his teachers so much!  :)  He is a very busy boy, and we love having him in our family.  He has hit the terrible twos, so many days can be hard, but he is a sweet boy!  Love you Ryky!

We are a Family of Four!

We welcomed our beautiful little girl, Kaylee Mae Gebhardt on January 26, 2013 after my water broke at approximately 1:47 a.m.  Since we live with Joe's parents, we could just tell her we were heading to the hospital and leave Ryker in his bed.  I had to have a repeat c-section because of the way they closed me up when I had Ryker.  This time, they made sure to close me up in two layers, which was nice.  Originally she was scheduled to be delivered on January 28th, but it was neat that she came when she was ready instead.  Kaylee was born by 4:33 a.m.  She was 8 lbs 4 oz, 21 inches long and perfect in every way!  We love her so much!  The first couple weeks following the delivery was hard for me.  I had the baby blues, but once they went away, I felt like I was on cloud nine.  Joe had two weeks paternity leave, which was awesome!  I love all the benefits they give him and our family! :) My sister came for a week to visit mid February, which was super fun and helpful! :)  We are just adjusting to life with two children, and it has been quite the adventure!  A very busy little boy (who is now 2), and a newborn that is 2 months old!  She is such a sweet, sweet baby.  She is very healthy and has quite the lungs, is very strong, and very squirmy!  Now I am actually seeing what went on inside my belly!  My sister took some amazing pics while she was here.  I'm glad she came.  It went by too fast, and it was a blast having her here! 

 Our first family pic.  We had to give Ryker a cracker just to get him to sit for the picture.
 Sweet Kaylee fresh out of the womb.
 Kaylee lost 10 percent of her birth weight in the hospital, so we had to take her for weight checks at the doctor.  I think we went three times.  It took 3 weeks to get her back to her birth weight!  She had slight jaundice.  It took about that long to get rid of her jaundice as well!
 Beautiful girl!

 Our big boy!  He wasn't 2 in this pic yet.  He was almost 23 months!
 Ryker loves his little sister!
 You spend a lot of days in your jammies when you have a newborn at home! :)
 A Family of Four finally!  We feel like our family is complete (for now, anyways) now that Kaylee is here!
Love my sister! She is awesome!  I hope I can be as amazing as a mom as she is! Thanks again for all that you've done/ you do for us! Love you!

And here is Kaylee at two months old! :

She's growing! At two months, she was 11 lbs 2 oz and 23 inches long!  Glad she is growing well and that she is healthy!

 Late night feedings are tiring for both Momma and Baby!  Right at two months, Kaylee starting sleeping 7-8 hours a night and still is!  She is a great sleeper!  No complaints here!