-We got to see gma and gpa Watts for the first time since they got back from the Mish...Joey met them for the first time ever.
-We played spoons with the family
-I got to spend a few hours with Kiki whom I hadn't seen since August. It was great times.
-We went to little Noah's birthday party and got to see good family and friends.
-We got to go to the Las Vegas temple with Dad and JoAnn
-We got to go to Brent and Shayla's to play games...we played the Celestial Marriage game. It was great fun, and it was good to spend time with Brent and Shay... and it was also great to finally meet little Baby Seth! He is sooooo cute!... oh, and Brighton is just as cute as ever and did I mention he's a genius?
-We got to play Yahtzee with the family.
-We got to go to Buffalo Wild Wings with Joey's Aunt Karen, Uncle Mark, and cousin Hilary.
-We got to go to 2 of Timmy's volleyball games--he's really good by the way.
-We got to go see Monsters vs. Aliens at the Rave theater with Joey's Uncle Mark.
-We got to play Donkey Kong Country, Tetris, and Mario World
-When we got back to Utah we got to play Round Trip to Europe or whatever that game is called with Matt and Darin... that is a fun game, and Joey killed us!
-On the way back up to Rexburg we had a great trip. It was fun. We went to the Idaho Falls Temple and we went to Red Robin. It was great to spend time with Matt and Mom.
I'm sure there were many more highlights, but these are the things that i could think of for now. We just appreciate everything that everyone has done for us. We are definitely grateful for a great family and great friends.
Our Sunday has been wonderful. We had to go meet with one of the counselors from the bishopric before church, and to our surprise we received a very exciting calling. We have the opportunity to serve as Church History Consultants. We are so excited and feel very blessed to get to learn and to teach others about Family History. It has been an emotionally draining day... in a good way of course. Joey and I also each have another calling and when we were in the meeting today, they said that they have heard nothing but great things about how Joe has been serving in his calling. I am so grateful for such a hardworking husband who always wants to do his best and wants to fulfill his callings to the fullest. He's the best! Anyways, the talks today were so great. I felt like they were speaking directly to me. It was all just great. Tomorrow is the first day of the Spring semester. I am kind of excited, and I am ready for this challenge. I haven't taken 17 credits together ever, so I'm definitely expecting a lot of hard work and study throughout this semester, especially now with our great callings. Of course, the calling with be a lot more fun than the schoolwork... haha jk, but seriously. It's going to be great though! Well, here are some pics from our trip. We wish we would have gotten more, but we aren't the best at remembering to take the camera everywhere we go. Love ya'll! oh, Happy Late Easter by the way!!!
It was fun seeing you. Good luck with those 17 credits!
Has Cynthia and Joe been swallowed up by a semester of unforgiving credits? We have missed hearing from them, whare might they be?
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