- He really really really wants to crawl, but can't quite yet grasp the concept of moving his arms forward with his legs, so he often does a face plant into the floor. He moves those chubby little legs, but keeps those hands still. He's so close and has been for like the last month!
- He is also really close to sitting up on his own but is a little wobbly right and left. He'd much rather be laying down or rolling around to get himself around than be sitting up, which makes it very hard for me to help him learn to sit up. He's close though--as you can see from the below picture.
- He loves walking around in his walker backwards. It's so funny. It looks like he's backing away slowly from people. He often gets caught in corners though haha.
- He just started pureed food a week ago and is loving it. I've only given him vegetables to get him used to the taste before he falls in love with the fruit. So far, he has had green beans, peas, and carrots. His favorite, you ask? Carrots! He devoured those things everyday the last 3 days. He'll eat the peas, but I can tell he's not a fan. It looks like he's forcing it down. What a good little boy cause I wouldn't do that. haha
- He loves using the spoon himself. I'll let him play with the spoon a little bit after he's done eating. He gets messy enough with me feeding him.
- He loves his oatmeal at breakfast and his rice cereal at dinner, but I'm pretty sure he likes his milk the very best! He looks forward to his bedtime bottle.
- It's like he's got an internal clock. Right at 9, it's bedtime for him. He goes down very well. I get him ready for bed, lay him in his crib, and he rolls right over to go to sleep. He sleeps til about 7:30, so I can't complain! :)
- He has one bottom tooth, it's so cute!
- He just started blowing raspberries regularly a few days ago.
- He thinks he's the most hilarious person ever.
- He laughs at weird things, like when I cough, he laughs. I think he thinks I'm being funny.
- He's been doing this thing where he smiles and scrunches up his whole face til his eyes are almost closed. I'll have to try and get a pic sometime.
- When he's really really worn out, he'll snore in his sleep.
- He plays in his bed until Mommy or Daddy get him for breakfast. After a while, he call us to come get him. He's our little alarm clock!
- He can almost hold his bottle without pulling it out of his mouth every 5 seconds.
- He loves playing with a baby girl that is a couple months older than him at church. They just laugh at each other and babble, and steal each others toys. :)
Anyways, I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but there's a good little update. We love him so much and still can't believe it's been 6 months since we held him in our arms for the first time! We love you Ryker Thomas! :)
Here are some 6 month pictures I took this morning before church.
We love our little man!
Happy 6 Months Ry!
Happy 6 Months Ry!
He is so so so so cute, and I love how much you adore him! Reading about him makes me want to go wake up Cohen and play with him....but I won't, naps are too precious :)
I can't believe how big he is getting! Time sure flies! Funny thing, I started Katie with veggies first too, and she actually doesn't like fruit now! She'll take peas and corn over apples and strawberries anyday! Lol.
Aw he's so handsome CC :)
I miss my little man! Kiss him for me. Love, Grandma Aunt Karen. PS I miss you and Joey tons!
Oh my gosh I love him in these church clothes! I can't believe he is 6 months!
Cynthia! Your little boy is adorable. Its so neat hearing all the stuff that he can do because Kaylie can do the same things too! Its fun seeing them grow up together. I love it! Sounds like you guys are doing great! I will be better at updating my blog too. Ha h! Keep in touch!
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