Tuesday, October 19, 2010

17 Weeks!

Today I am 17 weeks! Crazy! We get to find out if it is a girl or a boy in 3 weeks and 3 days! :) Yay!!! Just within the last couple of days I have realized that I feel like I NEVER get full. I feel like I'm eating way too much, but I heard that the second trimester is like that because the baby is doing some serious growing and developing. I'll probably be back at more frequent smaller meals when I am in the third trimester... If I'm anything like my friend Shannon, anyways. I just don't want to gain way too much excess weight. Hopefully no more than ten or fifteen extra pounds (after the baby has been delivered, of course). I only say this because I heard of a girl who gained 15 just in her first trimester, and gained overall like 50-60 pounds. Yikes. Anyways, I'm rambling. I gotta shower and get ready for class. I will post a pic of my belly later. I look more pregnant now... crazy! Just a week later and it popped out!


Theresa said...

I think (and obviously I didn't execute this) the more active you stay during pregnancy and especially afterwards while nursing you will probably not gain too much. The key part of all of it is to stay active and when you're not pregnant anymore put together a plan for taking the baby weight off but realize that you're going to be hungry still for nursing,.. it's a process don't worry too much and make sure that you're getting good nutrition so that baby is getting what he/she needs. Love you you're doing great!

Kerstin said...

Wait you only want to gain 10-15 pounds total during your pregnancy? It is recommend that you gain 20-35 lbs while pregnant, I gained around 20 with my kids and that is on the low end of normal. Honestly I think that trying to watch your weight while pregnant is silly and useless. I can understand being concerned if you gain 60+ lbs, but your body and baby need the extra weight during pregnancy. I mean it is just the facts of life, when you are pregnant you gain weight.
If you are hungry eat, drink plenty of water, and don't beat yourself up if you gain more weight then you want or if you don't always make the healthiest choices when it comes to food.

Theresa said...

I think maybe she meant end result net gain,... Of course she's going to have the baby weight.

Cynthia said...

Ya, I meant 10 or 15 pounds after the baby comes of course. That would just be unhealthy if that is all I gained full term... yikes...haha

Cynthia said...

haha Kt, Me love hot n' spicys! haha jk but seriously I get chicken sandwiches at McD's a lot lately, and Me love it!

Kerstin said...

Oh I see, well in that case may as well shoot for 0 lbs :). I love thos Chicken sandwiches and they are only $1.
When I was pregnant, after I wasn't feeling sick anymore, all I wanted to eat was desserts (lets face it that is what I want to do even when I am not pregnant). There was one day that I just ate dessert all day, I would always go to the doctor thinking I had gained like 10lbs in a week, but that never happend.

Kimi Jean said...

Oh don't worry about the weight! I gained 45 pounds but it's already all gone.