-He loves bouncing up and down
-He loves to put himself in the sitting position from the crawling position (although he still cannot crawl)
-He loves playing with his feet and pulling his socks off
-He loves walking around in his walker (sometimes running)
-He loves splashing in the bathtub
-He loves greenbeans and carrots
-He loves playing with toys at his high chair
-He loves being held by his mommy and daddy
-He loves throwing his binky on the floor (doesn't like sucking on it much anymore--he mostly just plays with it and bites it)
-He really wishes he could crawl and get to things, but just can't yet. I think he's going to be one of those babies that skip crawling and go straight to walking. LOL
-He loves going on walks in the stroller
-Hates his little carseat He is too big for it now(he tries to sit up in it now and it bugs him that he's fastened down; he's going to be in the big boy carseat soon... like today. haha)
-He loves books!
-He is huge!
-He loves chewing on everything in sight. He likes to bite really hard with his teeth. Yikes.
-Most of all, he loves attention from anyone and everyone!
We love him so much and can't believe how fast he is growing up! Happy 7 months baby boy!