Friday, October 5, 2012

Our Little Man

It has been so long since I have done a post just about Ryker!  Ryker turned 18 months on September 18th.  Ryker is definitely all boy! Busy, busy, busy!  Ryker is pretty social as long as he is well rested and feeling well!  He just started nursery a couple weeks ago.  It was a breeze.  He pretty much went in there and waved bye-bye.  I'm not even sure if he noticed we even left.  He loves being around other children.  The nursery class is HUGE.  There are always at least 10 children in there.  The nursery teacher said that he is always so good and does so well at snack time and loves to color!  His best friend's name is Jenna.  She is so cute.  They've been buddies since we moved into the ward (she is 2 months older than him) when he was just two months old, and they get so excited when they see each other.  They just run and hug each other.  It just melts my heart to see how much love a child can have for an individual.  I really need to get a picture of them together sometime. :)
 Here's our little man at 18 months!  Well, I think it was about a week before he was officially 18 months.  I haven't been the best at getting pictures of him lately.  Isn't he getting so big and even more handsome? We just love having him in our family!  We're excited to see him continue to learn and grow and become a big brother! :)

As for language, he is finally starting to say words that we can understand!  He's always been a babbler.  He loves to talk, talk, talk.  But just around the time he turned 18 months, he repeated "bye-bye" after I said it.  Lately, we've been asking him to look at us while we say the word.  You can tell he is concentrating on how the sounds are made when we say them and then he takes a whack at it and does pretty well most the time.  One day he just said "cracker" and the other day he said "tickle" on his own.  He'll say "tickle, tickle" and start tickling his feet.  It's so cute!  He also says "Daddy" perfectly.  Some other words that he is saying are more, car, go, dog (daw), up, down (dow), Elmo (eh-mo), banana (na-na), two, "what's that?" (uh dat?), and I am sure I am forgetting a few others, but he is doing so well!  We are even more excited for when he can tell us what he wants or needs, so he won't get frustrated with us. :)  He also like to count... it goes a little bit like this *starts pointing at things* " un....two....two....dor...two"  basically he loves the number two.  He's so silly!

So, since it's been so long since I've done one of these things, I'm just going to list off some things about Ryker to make it quick and easy.  This post is already getting pretty long!!!

  • Ryker loves giving people hugs
  • He loves to climb, especially off and on chairs
  • He LOVES LOVES LOVES to be outside.  Any chance he can get, he'll beg to go out there.  It's been raining for like a week here, so he's been going a little crazy
  • He loves the gymnastics room at the YMCA.  We get to go during open gym, and he can go in and jump on the tramps and do anything he wants in there!
  • He loves to color
  • Loves ELMO
  • His foot is now a 6 1/2.  He went from a 5 to a 6 1/2.  Big boy!
  • He loves to take tissues and blow his nose (he breaths in and out, haha)
  • He loves to put shoes on.

  • We make veggie drinks a lot in our blendtec (that thing can get loud), and he covers his ears when we run it.  He loves the veggie drinks, too!
  • One time we were playing in the backyard, and he was playing with a tennis racket, and he started strumming it and singing!
  • He loves to sing!  We sing hymns every night with our hymn books, and he'll open it and start singing his own song.  Last night his song went a little like this....ya, ya, tickle, tickle. HILARIOUS.
  • When we say it's time for prayers, he folds his arms.  Sometimes we'll ask him if he wants to say it, and we tell him to "say this and say that.." and he giggles almost like he is shy or something.  Then he tries to say "amen."  It is such an amazing thing to see our child learning to pray.  I'm glad that it is something that we can start from the time our children are born, so that it is second nature to them! :)
  • He loves to play hide and seek and be chased
  • He has recently started loving showers...actually prefers those over baths
  • He loves to turn the faucet on and off and wash his hands
  • Ryker is a very strong kid.  He can throw a bouncy ball higher than I can!  He's got quite the arm! We joke that he will be a baseball pitcher! haha
  • He loves to build with legos, play with cars, and throw balls (he's ALL boy)  He can hold his own weight too... He's 30 pounds.  I can hardly lift him!!! haha
 Anyways, I think that I'm happy with what I've got.  I wanted to get this post done before I forget everything and he is doing even more things!!! Also, we are headed to Disney World on Sunday until the following Sunday!  We are hoping to make it to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter as well.  Well, there is so much to do in Orlando, I don't know how we could do everything we want to in just a week.  We are super excited!!!  I've never been (I've been to Disney Land, not since 2006) and Joe hasn't been since he was 7!  So this is just as much for us as it is for Ryker!  I guess you now know what our next post will be about!

Here's another picture of the cutie to finish this blog post off!

1 comment:

A.S.K. said...

He's the cutest! It's so crazy how fast he's learning! I love hearing kids try to talk. It sounds like they are saying something really important and it just melts my heart. Have fun at Disney World!