Friday, July 20, 2012

Well, This is Really Overdue!

It has been a long time since I have blogged, and I feel like I am getting worse and worse at this blogging thing!
So, this Summer has been good.  We haven't done anything vacation-wise, but we have been to the beach a few times and have swam in pools a few times!  Ryker enjoys it only as long as the water isn't too cold.  He enjoys playing in the sand and trying to eat it.  He also really likes to be outside in general.
 I haven't been the best at getting pictures of...well, really anything these last couple months, but I have a few of Ryker!
Ryker just turned 16 months.  I know, I can't believe it either! He is getting so big and is getting smarter every day! He still doesn't have too many words,  but I'm not too worried.  I know that his vocabulary will burst soon enough.  The doctor said it is very typical for boys to talk a little later, especially when they are ahead in gross motor development. I think that it can be tough for him because he can't always say or point to what he wants.  Right now, he know many of his body parts, he barks when you talk about doggies, and he sees one.  Also, he likes Sesame Street and the only one he knows is Elmo. :)  Yesterday when he went in for his 16 month appointment, they gave him an Elmo sticker after his shots, and he kept showing everyone when we said, "where's Elmo?"  He enjoys showing off his belly button and trying to take his shoes off.  He likes giving hugs and kisses, and JUST started this crying thing when Mommy leaves the house without him.  He gets jealous when Mommy gives Daddy a kiss goodbye and he puckers up his lips for a kiss (so funny!).  He loves wrestling with Daddy and reading books with Mommy.  He loves pillow fights.  He also did the cutest thing a couple weeks ago.  It was one of those really, really hot days in the house, and I was exhausted, so I fell asleep on the couch. Don't worry, he was playing with his Grampy.  Guess what I woke up to? A kiss from him on the cheek! It was so cute.  I guess he walked over to the couch and planted one on my cheek and my father-in-law said that he just did it on his own.  It was one of those cute one time things.  He loves balls and legos...and anything that he can climb on.  The other day, I walked in the tv room and he was sitting on the couch with the remote in his hand... he got on the couch via a little bench we have in there, so now we can't take our eyes off of him because he's always climbing on something or getting into something!  He's so full of energy and he is such a crazy, rough boy, but we love him and can't imagine life without him! He's fun!

Oh, in other news! Ryker is going to be a big brother! And he is going to make a great big brother! Can't you tell by the pic?! :)
Notice he got a bump right smack in the middle of his forehead.  He fell down at our 4th of July cookout... but he's happy mostly because I let him sit on his toy bucket! haha!  Anyways, we are super excited for our new addition...coming February 4, 2013! (or at least around then :) )