Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! We've had a wonderful Christmas spent with family! Hope you enjoy your Christmas and have a Happy New Year! I spent my Christmas Eve morning at a core class at the Y, and I spent my Christmas morning trying to get out of bed (haha). I am so sore, but we are enjoying it regardless. Ryker is having a great first Christmas too! I'll post pics of the stockings and presents later! :) Here is our Christmas card and Christmas letter from this year! :)

Dear Family and Friends,

Merry Christmas! 2011 has been a wonderful year for us!

As most of you know, we welcomed our first child Ryker Thomas into our family on March 18th. It has been such a delight to have him in our family. He is so much fun and is growing way too fast! He is a very social and happy baby. He loves all people. He started crawling in October and is quite the active little guy. We wouldn’t be surprised if he is walking before the new year. J

Cynthia finished her student teaching and graduated from BYU-Idaho in April. She started working part-time at the Children’s Education Center at the YMCA in Beverly in July and is having fun putting her degree to use. She is in the Enrichment Committee in Relief Society and is enjoying getting to know sisters in the ward. She ran her first race, the Wild Turkey 5 Mile Race, on Thanksgiving Day in Salem. Other than working three hours a day, she is busy being a mom (and wife) and is thoroughly enjoying it!

Joe started working for Biogen in Cambridge at the beginning of June. He is enjoying it. We are fortunate enough to have an aunt and uncle who commute there, so he is able to carpool with them, which is nice. He is the Assistant Ward Mission Leader in our ward and loves doing missionary work. He is currently looking into starting a Master’s program, but is still unsure of what he would like to go into. Although his 12 hour shifts can be rigorous, he enjoys his many days off with his family. He is having a blast being a Dad!

We recently had the privilege of helping our ward out in a community service project. We collected food and personal hygiene items for homeless people. This experience has really helped us get into the spirit of Christmas! Service is an amazing thing!

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


The Gebhardt’s

John 14:18 “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Food for Thought

Last night as I was laying in bed, I found myself thinking about macaroni and cheese. Why, you ask? I have absolutely no idea. The kids in the Toddler lab had it for lunch yesterday at work, but I see kids eating it all the time at lunch. I don't even like mac n cheese that much! It brought me back to a letter I got in October (on Benji's birthday, actually). It reads:

"Dear Cynthia Gebhardt,
Enclosed is a copy of your recent labs. Your total cholesterol and LDL or "bad" cholesterol is elevated which gives you an elevated coronary risk. The recommendation is regular exercise, weight loss and a diet low in saturated fat. Please work on these lifestyle changes and I would like to recheck fasting labwork again in 6 months. All other tests were within normal or acceptable limits. Please set up this lab visit and call the office with any questions. Take care."

Back in September I had to get a physical for work, and the nurse wanted me to get some blood work done after fasting 12 hours. That was the letter I received.
Guys, my LDL cholesterol was 146! That is so bad! It is expected to be under 100, recently changed from under 120 or something like that. Joe's mom said that she has never seen someone with it that high, and Joe's mom and sister have had problems with cholesterol in the past. My mother-in-law suggested that perhaps it's genetics because honestly I wasn't eating that bad, and I was exercising a little bit and trying to lose weight. Well, neither of my parents have high cholesterol, so what is up with me?

Oh, and the part where it says, "Please work on these lifestyle changes..." How do they even know what kind of lifestyle habits I have? What if I was already doing all those things?!

Cheese is BAD for your cholesterol. So, I was thinking perhaps maybe I was craving the cheesy mac n cheese because of my cholesterol perhaps? Well, at least my HDL cholesterol is within "normal or acceptable limits."

I guess I'll have to keep exercising like crazy and eating extremely healthy!

Ryker is 9 Months!

Ryker turned 9 months last Sunday. He is such a fun and sweet boy! At the doctor's on Tuesday, he weighed 23.5 pounds (89th percentile) and he was 30 inches long (between 75-85 percentile). He said his head is a good size, which isn't surprising...Joe and I have pretty big heads. LOL. Right now he is enjoying everything. He just wants to explore everything (especially things he shouldn,t) like the wood stove and the heaters and cords. He has such a cute and sweet personality, we love it! He can say "more" ("mo") when he wants more food. And we think he says "Hi" because when he sees someone he smiles and says "ha" We just pretend like he is saying "Hi," anyways. Oh, we just love him, we do! :)
My two favorite Handsome Boys!
I like this pic because you can see his curls in the back. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and a great Black Friday! :) Joe had to work Thanksgiving day, which kind of stunk, but we have him for Christmas so we're pretty happy about that! Plus, Friday felt like Thanksgiving too, and we had Joe home for that. We spent Thanksgiving with Joe's siblings and their significant others. Joe's mom did a wonderful job on the food. MMMM... So good! I did miss my family this Thanksgiving as well, but we had fun! And it was another happy day because I ran my very very first race, a 5 Mile Wild Turkey Race in Salem. I was hoping to finish it in an hour, but I finished it in 54 minutes and 22 seconds! Crazy I know! Katie figured out that there were little chips on the back of our bibs (numbers we wear) and that's how it tracked when we crossed the starting and finish lines. I have to admit though, I thought I was going to barf after I crossed that finish line, but it went away right away, so thank goodness for that. It was cold and I was decked out in my technical shirt, head band, mp3 player, and gloves. Glad I didn't wear a jacket because I was sweating like 3 minutes into that race. I had to take my gloves off and hold them because my hands started to sweat. I'm so thankful that it was so sunny and beautiful on Thanksgiving because the day before it was dark, dreary, windy, and rainy. It was also a beautiful day because Joe's brother Steve finally got engaged to his girlfriend Tracy before the race! Congrats and it's about time! Ryker needs some Gebhardt cousins! It was kind of neat because all of the girls ran it.... me, Joe's sister Liana, Steve's fiance Tracy, and Rick's (Joe's oldest brother) girlfriend Katie! And we all did awesome. I was last place out of all of us of course, but I can't complain! We all came in within a minute or seconds of each other. Well, Tracy was like six minutes before us all, but close enough. ;) After we stopped running and were standing there for a little bit, we got pretty cold because it was still under 40 degrees out (I think) and we were wet from sweat. I pigged out at Thanksgiving dinner so I'm pretty sure I canceled out any calories I burned that morning. I wish I had gotten a picture of the event, but oh well. I was wicked sore yesterday too. My shins, my quads, my ankles, my feet were all so sore, but I sure love that feeling! :) Here are all the girls results. I think if you double click you can see it better. :) It gives what place number, the name, where they are from, their bib number, age, gender, age group, time, and time per mile!Thanksgiving dinner was delicious as I said before, and Ryker had a blast with his uncles and aunts! :) He was also very happy when Daddy came home that night!
Friday morning, we went to have breakfast with Joe's dad and sister. It was fun, and then Joe and I were off to the malls for some Black Friday shopping. I saved 120 dollars at Kohl's and got some things for Christmas at a couple other shops and another mall. We went to dinner with Ricky and Katie at Chili's, and we had a lot of fun. Ryker joined us for that one.
Anyways, we love the holidays and we had a great last couple of days! :)Here is my technical shirt and my bib. I figured since I didn't get a pic of me wearing it during the race, I'd just take a pic of what I wore. Not proof, I know, but man am I happy I finally accomplished one of my goals! :)
Ryker's first Thanksgiving! :) I'm thankful that I can be a mom to such a wonderful boy and a wife to such a wonderful man! :)
I'm grateful for my sweet little boy. Check out that turkey with his huge blue slippers on. :)
Thanksgiving dinner knocked him out. Haha. Seriously though, we were all eating dinner at the table and looked over and he fell asleep. :)

I'm thankful for so much this year. As I mentioned above, I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful for all that we have been blessed with...and we have been blessed with so so much! I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants what's best for us so that we can return and live with Him after this life. I know that that couldn't be possible without Jesus Christ atoning for our sins. I am forever thankful for Him. I love Him. I'm thankful for eternal families and that I can be with them forever. I can't imagine life without my family. :) I love them so much! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

8 Months Old!

Ryker turned 8 months on November 18! We can't believe it! He has learned so much in the last month, it's crazy! It's amazing how fast such a little person can learn! Here are some things about Ryker!
-Ryker learned to crawl at 7 and a half months (it was about time! He's been trying so hard for like 2 months now!)
-He loves pulling himself up in his crib and bouncing and walking around in his bed
-He is very very talkative and now says "Ma-ma!" (first said it on 11/11/11)
-He likes to mimic people as you will see in the video below.
-He can have yogurt now, and I'm pretty sure that's his favorite thing. He also loves his Mum-mums, which is like a cracker for a baby (dissolves in his mouth)
-He is cruising (furniture walking)!
-He loves being on his legs; he definitely wants to walk!
-He wants to see everything that is going on around him and will grab at everything. He especially loves grabbing things off the shelf at the grocery store.
-He just wants to do what everyone else is doing
-He started this new thing where he looks at people all innocently, and it looks like he is wondering if he is supposed to be doing what he is doing.
-He really loves his mommy and daddy and is really starting to be clingy. When we try to give him to someone he'll lean towards us like he doesn't want to go, but when we give him to someone he doesn't really cry either. He also started this thing where he lays his head on our shoulders when we pick him up or take him out of his crib when he is crying.
-He's so cuddly.
-He likes when we sing at church. I'm pretty sure he tries to sing because it's only when we sing hymns that it starts to sound like he is shouting. He did it during the closing hymn last week, and then when we were in relief society he did it again. I think he likes to sing.
-He really enjoys the song "Called to Serve"
-He likes to dance to music.
We love him very much. He is just growing up way too fast! Love you Ryker Thomas! :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


A glorious thing happened to me yesterday. I was putting away Summer clothes and getting out Winter clothes, and organizing maternity clothes, prepregnancy clothes, etc. Well, I forgot about my favorite pair of skinny jeans from before pregnancy. I was just messing around, but I tried them on and they fit! I was so happy that I danced around in them while cleaning all day yesterday! Makes me want to go buy my second pair of skinny jeans ever! I've been converted to the skinny jeans! :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween and Some other Fun!

"I'm gonna get you Mom!"
So, I know I'm a little late on this, but I figure if I don't do it now, I will never get this post done! We had a good Halloween. Ryker was a cute chubby monkey. I didn't even realize when I bought the costume that it had all this extra fluff in the middle until I put it on him and he looked like a fat monkey. :) Ryker went trick or treating a total of 3 times. The first time was at our ward trunk or treat on October 25. Here are some pictures from that night. We joke and say that Ryker was an Angry Chubby Monkey because he hardly smiled in any pics.The next time we went trick or treating at my sister-in-law's work on Thursday October 27. It is also my brother-in-law's girlfriend's job (she's a scientist). We walked around and went to different places in the building to get candy. They had free food and there were lots of cute little kids. Ryker was the cutest of course. ;) Joe's parents came with me. Joe had to work that day, but we had lots of fun. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of that day.

Not sure if anyone heard of the winter storm that hit New England late Saturday (Oct. 29) and early Sunday, but it did, and I was a little annoyed that the meteorologists were correct about this storm. Usually, they are at least a little off. This time they were dead on. It was so windy and cold! We lost power a little after midnight and didn't get it back til almost 11a.m. We were freezing. Ryker wore his snow suit in bed and was a little fed up with the fact that he could hardly move in that thing. It was so cute. There are still some without power today. I am so grateful that we have power and heat. :) Here's a pic of the snow from our side yard and backyard. It was only like 3 or 4 inches in our city, but some got a foot or more! yikes!
Most the snow had melted by Halloween, but there are still spots where there is snow today. Some cities had to post pone trick or treating because of the power outage. Luckily, we had power, so we went trick or treating! Joe had to work that day as well, so Joe's mom came with Ryker and I. Ryker was an Angry chubby monkey when we were trying to get pics of him in his costume. Ryker got some nice comments and some nice loot for his family! ;) Here he is on Halloween. We also carved a pumpkin as you can see in the pic with Ryker!
This was a little bit before we went trick or treating. He was showing off his muscles to his Uncle Steve. That kid is so strong. Sometimes I feel like he's stronger than me.
Ryker and his Mimi!
The Angry Chubby Monkey!

We also had the missionaries over that night, and here are some pics. He particularly enjoyed their ties. :) Ryker also enjoyed Elder Ban. In every group pic we tried to get, he was looking over at Elder Ban. He also wanted to eat Elder Ban's tie. Maybe Elder Ban smells like Cambodian food. ;) Elder Ban also enjoyed eating our Halloween candy. ;) We were happy to give them all the Halloween candy. I was still wearing my work shirt. Sometimes I just stay in my work clothes all day. Lazy of me, I know.

Check out Elder Ban!
Happy Boy!
MMMM Tasty!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

7 Months Old

We cannot believe that Ryker is already 7 months old today! Oh, how times flies! Here he is at 7 months!At 7 months, Ryker is doing so many things! He is talking like crazy! He especially loves the word "Da-da." He loves his Daddy! He loves most when his Daddy gives him a lick of his popsicle. Playing with Daddy is one of his many favorite things, too!

-He loves bouncing up and down
-He loves to put himself in the sitting position from the crawling position (although he still cannot crawl)
-He loves playing with his feet and pulling his socks off
-He loves walking around in his walker (sometimes running)
-He loves splashing in the bathtub
-He loves greenbeans and carrots
-He loves playing with toys at his high chair
-He loves being held by his mommy and daddy
-He loves throwing his binky on the floor (doesn't like sucking on it much anymore--he mostly just plays with it and bites it)
-He really wishes he could crawl and get to things, but just can't yet. I think he's going to be one of those babies that skip crawling and go straight to walking. LOL
-He loves going on walks in the stroller
-Hates his little carseat He is too big for it now(he tries to sit up in it now and it bugs him that he's fastened down; he's going to be in the big boy carseat soon... like today. haha)
-He loves books!
-He is huge!
-He loves chewing on everything in sight. He likes to bite really hard with his teeth. Yikes.
-Most of all, he loves attention from anyone and everyone!
We love him so much and can't believe how fast he is growing up! Happy 7 months baby boy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Out of the Blue Decision!

So, last weekend while Joe was working, I was just lounging around the house and doing some chores while Ryker played. My sister-in-law came over to have my mother-in-law do her hair. She had just gone to the gym that morning and mentioned that she was trying to get ready for the turkey trot on Thanksgiving. I was like, "turkey trot? What is that?" She told me that it was a 5 mile race in Salem on Thanksgiving Day. She said that she had done it last year and had a lot of fun (she didn't even train and still did 5 miles in an hour, that's 12 minutes a mile!) So this year she is doing it again and training this time. So, I was like "I've always wanted to run in something like this" whether it be a 5k, 5 mile, 10k, half marathon, etc. except I will never do a whole marathon...a half marathon is pushing it.... ANYWAY, back to what I was saying. I said, "I'm going to do it! Send me the registration info." So, she sent it to me, and I signed up! I have 7 weeks to train. Last week I could only run a mile without stopping. Starting this week, I have worked out everyday. Every other day I do a long run and the days in between I either bike for 30 minutes at 90-100 rpms or I do a P90X workout, or both. Well, yesterday I ran a little over a mile and a half without stopping. It took 20 minutes. Slowly, but surely, I am going to go faster and longer until I can do 5 miles. I'm nervous and excited. This morning I did Kempo X for an hour... that was fun! And tonight I'm going to bike for a half hour at the YMCA (glad my membership is free! ). I hope this can be a big accomplishment even if it ends up being awful. I just want to be able to say that I accomplished one of my dreams... to be able to say that I ran in the Wild Turkey Road Race! haha. Another thing that will help is Liana (Joe's sis) and Katie (Joe's brother's girlfriend) will be running it with me, so I'm not alone. I'm kinda sad though because Joe would have liked to run in it with me, but he has to work on Thanksgiving day :( Anyways, I just felt like I needed to ramble for a bit! I hope to add the video of Ryker saying "Da-da" in the next post!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Topsfield Fair

Every year, there is a Fair in Topsfield in the first week and a half of October. Topsfield is basically right down the street from us, so we went on one of Joe's days off last week and we had a lot of fun! Joe won Ryker a Tazmanian Devil stuffed doll and we also got him a personalized shirt (I'll have to post it when he wears it, it won't fit him til he's like a year and a half or something) and the cutest doggy snow hat ever. Oh, we also ate a lot of junk food. :) We had a nice time together as a family! Ryker was a sweet little angel and just looked around at everything. It was a little windy and chilly when the sun started to go down, but it was sunny most the day.
In some little museum--like father like son. HAHA
So, Joe really wanted to climb this rock wall. There were 3 sides to it. The side on the very left is the hard side. If you climb to the top and hit the button, you win 100 dollars. Joe wanted to try and win that 100 dollars. Here he is climbing the easy side.

Here is Joe attempting the hard side. We watched many people try it, and no one succeeded. It was worth a shot! haha
This is amazing. This man made this. How do people sculpt sand?!

At the little museum
Giant man, or woman. Not really sure. Looked like a man, sounded like a woman.
In the tent looking at the animals! Ryker likes the llamas.
We are glad we were able to go and have a good time! There were some pretty bad rainstorms on some of the days, so we picked a pretty good day to go!

And I just wanted to add this video because I just think Ryker looks so cute walking around in his walker. He didn't start walking forward til a couple weeks ago. He used to go backwards and that's it. I love how cute his little legs look when he walks. :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ryker said his first word today...

and it was "Da-da!" Joe's been telling him to say "Da-da" for pretty much his whole life, and today Joe told him to say it, and he did! He probably has no idea what he means when he says it, which would explain why he's been saying it all day I'm guessing. It's so cute to hear how talkative he's been lately. Oh, and he sure is learning how to use his two bottom teeth! He's been biting hard on everything (especially the collar of my work shirt while I'm holding him). He's a funny boy!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ryker Sits Up and Does Some Other Tricks

Here are some videos of some things that Ryker can do. He's learned some tricks too. LOL

Saturday, September 24, 2011

At Ryker's 6 Month Appointment...

He ways 21 lbs 11 oz. (95th percentile)
He is 28 inches long. (90th percentile)
He is still growing like a champ, and I believe the phrase his doctor used was "he's solid."
So, he is very healthy and everything is looking great!
He wasn't so happy about those shots though. It's always so sad to see real sad tears come out of his little eyes.
We're so grateful that he's healthy!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

6 Months Old!

Today, our little boy is 6 months old! He's half a year! We cannot believe it! I guess today would be called his half birthday! He is getting cuter and smarter and funnier and wigglier and heavier! And we love the little boy he is becoming! He definitely knows who his mommy and daddy are, as he will smile, laugh, and jump around when one of us enter the room. He has only whimpered once when someone he didn't know held him, but other than that, he is a pretty social boy! So, here's a little bit about Ryker at 6 months!
  • He really really really wants to crawl, but can't quite yet grasp the concept of moving his arms forward with his legs, so he often does a face plant into the floor. He moves those chubby little legs, but keeps those hands still. He's so close and has been for like the last month!
  • He is also really close to sitting up on his own but is a little wobbly right and left. He'd much rather be laying down or rolling around to get himself around than be sitting up, which makes it very hard for me to help him learn to sit up. He's close though--as you can see from the below picture.
  • He loves walking around in his walker backwards. It's so funny. It looks like he's backing away slowly from people. He often gets caught in corners though haha.
  • He just started pureed food a week ago and is loving it. I've only given him vegetables to get him used to the taste before he falls in love with the fruit. So far, he has had green beans, peas, and carrots. His favorite, you ask? Carrots! He devoured those things everyday the last 3 days. He'll eat the peas, but I can tell he's not a fan. It looks like he's forcing it down. What a good little boy cause I wouldn't do that. haha
  • He loves using the spoon himself. I'll let him play with the spoon a little bit after he's done eating. He gets messy enough with me feeding him.
  • He loves his oatmeal at breakfast and his rice cereal at dinner, but I'm pretty sure he likes his milk the very best! He looks forward to his bedtime bottle.
  • It's like he's got an internal clock. Right at 9, it's bedtime for him. He goes down very well. I get him ready for bed, lay him in his crib, and he rolls right over to go to sleep. He sleeps til about 7:30, so I can't complain! :)
  • He has one bottom tooth, it's so cute!
  • He just started blowing raspberries regularly a few days ago.
  • He thinks he's the most hilarious person ever.
  • He laughs at weird things, like when I cough, he laughs. I think he thinks I'm being funny.
  • He's been doing this thing where he smiles and scrunches up his whole face til his eyes are almost closed. I'll have to try and get a pic sometime.
  • When he's really really worn out, he'll snore in his sleep.
  • He plays in his bed until Mommy or Daddy get him for breakfast. After a while, he call us to come get him. He's our little alarm clock!
  • He can almost hold his bottle without pulling it out of his mouth every 5 seconds.
  • He loves playing with a baby girl that is a couple months older than him at church. They just laugh at each other and babble, and steal each others toys. :)
Anyways, I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but there's a good little update. We love him so much and still can't believe it's been 6 months since we held him in our arms for the first time! We love you Ryker Thomas! :)
Here are some 6 month pictures I took this morning before church.
As you can see, his suit coat is a little snug. I wanted him to wear it at least once before he grew out of it, and today seemed like the perfect day because it's been chilly here in Mass! Goodbye Summer! I will miss you, except I won't miss the really hot muggy days. Glad those are over.
I was trying to get a normal pic of him sitting He wasn't really in the mood for pictures this morning.
Like I said, he wasn't in the mood. I tried so hard to get him to smile... instead he stared at the camera like he wanted to take a huge bite out of it! LOL
We love our little man!
Happy 6 Months Ry!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


makes me smile!

Our First Family Vacation

The day after Ryker and I got in from Indiana, our little family drove up to New Hampshire and stayed in Joe's parents' and brother's condo. It was such a nice little getaway. It's literally right behind a little outlet mall. We walked around and did some window shopping and bought Ryker a Halloween costume because it's so cheap at that mall. But you shall not know what he will be until later. We also went to Thusis beach and swam in the water. Ryker thoroughly enjoyed it. He splashed and stomped around. It was fun! We relaxed and went out to eat one night and then watched Limitless after. That movie is just okay. It was nice to relax as a family. It was our first family vacation!... til next year! haha

Ryker relaxing and playing with his feet after the beach

The Secret Mission Revealed!

So, I am way past due to write this post, but our secret mission was to go visit my sister and her family in Indiana. Another nice little treat was that my mom was going to see her too, so we got to see her too! Kerstin knew that my mom was coming, but didn't know I was coming until I posted that last post. Darn me! haha. Ryker and I were in the Logan airport for 8 hours because we didn't get on the first flight with our buddy pass, and the next flight was delayed like 3 hours, so we didn't get into Chicago until 9:40 or something like that. And then we didn't get to their house until like 3 or something because we took this little detour to get gas and then got a little lost, but we made it ok. LOL. Ryker was very tired and just wanted to be sleeping on his stomach (his favorite way to sleep).
It was so much fun and wish we could have visited longer! I hadn't seen my sister and her kids in three years, and hadn't yet met her youngest, Levi. She, of course, hadn't met Ryker, and the same goes for my mom. She was so happy to be with 5 of her 7 grandbabies! We had some great laughs and Ryker did excellent the whole trip. That' where he learned to get in the crawling position. I'm pretty sure he saw his cousin Levi crawling and decided he wanted to do the same. haha jk, but seriously, he was looking at Levi like "um, how come I can't do that?" KT's kids have grown up so much since I last saw them. They are all so beautiful and handsome, and they all have such cute and different personalities! It's so fun. I look forward to be in that stage with Ryker and my future children someday.
We did some great things while we were there. We went to an Amish store (DELICIOUS food btw), visited quilt gardens, baked, cooked, went and saw "The Help" (must read book), and played with the kids. It was just a great time. Oh, and we pigged out on junk food, too (or should I say I pigged out! I'm pretty sure I ate two packages of oreos and like 6 donuts and 2 huge cinnamon rolls mm mm). Anyways, It was so fun to see everyone! Thanks KT and fam for giving mom, Ryker, and I a great visit! :) Miss you guys!

Ryker helped his Mommy pack for the trip!
Waiting in the Logan airport. I'm so blessed to have such a good baby. It would have been pretty hard, being there 8 hours and all.
Sisters reunite at last! haha
Ryker and his Grandma finally meet. :)
Ryker with his cousin Torilynn! :)

At the quilt gardens
My sister caught this on camera!

The rest of the pics were taken with my sister's awesome camera (except for the obvious couple):
Ryker with his cousins: Ellalyn, Torilynn, Landon, and Levi!

Ryker and his cousins chillin
I just had to throw this one in--my nieces are so cute!

My mom and 5 of her 7 beautiful grandkids! :)
Ryker was happy to see his Daddy again--he missed him a lot, and it was on Joe's birthday too!